A few people have (very kindly) enquired as to how Igpuss is doing on his new regime and, to tell the truth, we don’t know.
He was doing absolutely great on the two injections a week for his arthritis, and then as soon as we dropped him to one a week, as directed, it all seemed to go bad again. Also, it didn’t help that he decided that he’d really not have the jabs after all, thankyouverymuch, which means he has to be stalked and stabbed while he’s asleep.
We’ve settled on one every five days for now, which seems to be helping him, and see if we can stretch it out over time.
In other news, Henry has a cold, and is spluttering and sneezing all over the place, but he’s still eating, so I don’t worry too much.
Mirrored from
the Tribe.