ramtops' twitterings

May 17, 2010 22:02

Today's tweets are

  • 09:18 It seems we may have left all three hosepipes in Long Ashton. And I have thirsty shrubs. #
  • 09:40 eating a ruby grapefruit - my word, that goes "zing" #
  • 10:09 One load of washing on the line, just put another in. Clouding over. #weathergod #
  • 10:28 @ dhmorton @jhoneyball tragically, my jaffa cake eating days are over. #
  • 10:31 @ tiggsybabes It's raining here now - I hate the #weathergod #
  • 10:39 @ tiggsybabes I need to buy a garden hose, but I'm worried that I will trigger 40 days and nights of rain if I do ... #weathergod #
  • 11:47 @ tudedude Hah! #
  • 12:03 I hung the second lot of washing out 15 minutes ago. It's raining now. #weathergod #
  • 12:28 from Kestrel:: gardening www.kestrel.org/?p=27743 #
  • 12:39 @ dhmorton Why would you want to? It's a lovely photograph. #
  • 19:30 Have done 8 miles on the exercise bike; should be more, but it's so *boring*. #
  • 20:45 @ Wrestlevania I *like* #glee #
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