We haven’t had a risotto for ages, for some reason. The carcass of the last chicken we had, about three weeks ago, was stuffed in the freezer; I pulled it out and stuck it in the slow cooker to make stock, and there was a surprising amount of meat on it, which we put in a little brown bowl in the fridge, and Pete declared it suitable for a risotto.
Cardinal rule of risotto for two: 5oz risotto rice, 1 pint liquid. As I had the chicken stock, I used half a pint of that, and topped it up with cider. Chopped one red onion and one red pepper, sautéd them with some olive oil, added rice, then stock bit by bit, and some seasoning. Chicken went in about 5 minutes before the end. Delicious!
[makes note to self that we need more risotto rice]
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