Sorted out some wine - filtered and bottled one gallon of parsnip, although the other one went cloudy again, racked the three gallons of rhubarb (which was really 2.5 gallons and racked down to 2 + a bottle), racked the two gallons of apricot and stopped the fermentation, made a gallon of Earl Grey just to see what it’s like.
Had a baking session on Sunday - made
Norwegian cinnamon buns for tea - I followed Nigella’s recipe slavishly, but the dough was ridiculously sticky, and a quick Google finds I am not alone. I’ve amended the recipe on Nibblous to reflect, but they really were rather delicious. We had no powdered cinnamon, and had no desire to go out, so just whizzed up some cinnamon quills in the little blender, and that was fine. Also made some bread dough for lunch today/tomorrow, which has just come out of the oven.
We had reactive sausage rolls for tea too - frozen puff pastry (because life really *is* too short to make your own; I did it once, just to prove it), and the stuffing left over from the Christmas goose, which had been shoved in the freezer. It was sausagemeat, breadcrumbs, lemon sage, cranberries, shopped shallot, garlic, if I recall correctly. Pete manfully did the rolling out, and they were fab. We ate them all. Oink. There was some filling left, so I shall fry it up for lunch, accompanied by egg, and freshly baked bread.
For Saturday supper we had
spring greens in coconut milk - I recommend this to you, it’s utterly delicious, dead cheap and very quick. Try it! It works with kale, or curly cabbage (but not white, I wouldn’t think), or purple sprouting broccoli.
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