What a day!

Mar 28, 2002 00:26

Damn I fucking tell you....today was one sorry ass mother fucking son of a bitch, why? Ooh yeah I know, because I did not do a damn thing today thats why, and I said the word fuck about 250 mother fucking times today, so what else should I write about? let me see...oh yea there is 1 thing that I tried to do today which is a little bit of jogging and shit, and fuck, I have to go to work tomorrow...but what the hell, I am getting my pay check tomorow so that will cool, so until next time I update this damn journal, stay out of the rain...what the fuck am I talking about? it does not even rain in this pathetic country that is going to waste anymore, any oh damn way, don't step in piss, and try not to use the work fuck, unless you are fucking somthing ha haa.
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