Jul 04, 2010 19:17
Finally.. after years of searching.. I finally finally finally got myself a new dog. And let me tell you it wasn't easy to make this happen. But it did and well I couldn't be happier.
So as everyone knows I had been on a long search to get a new dog after our last one passed away a few years ago. And it wasn't easy. First my family wasn't ready for a new dog as they had just gone through the whole experience of losing a dog and didn't want to take on another, not to mention my brothers kids who were over all the time were still babies so it wasn't a good idea to bring in a new dog into the family.
Then after that all passed and the situation and approval was there to get a dog finally finding one was as troubling an experience as you can imagine.
Had to go to shelters, and rescues and pet shops and craigslist. All with disappointing results. For many of the reasons I had mentioned in previous posts.
Well mark your calendars folks. Here on July 4th, Independence day of my great country the great Ramszilla monarch of the cities has finally found a dog befitting of his greatness.
So here is how it all occurred.. I was reading the classified ads for dogs and my eyes caught one ad. German Shepherd , German roots and well trained and parents on premisis. Papers available and vet checked. Inquire within. So I did. It turned out it was a lady in New Jersey who breeds her German Shepherds and had two male pups left. She wanted only $750 for one. I told my parents about it and they said "Lets check it out" so we did. An hour and a half later we arrive there and everything looks good so far from what I can see there. The dogs are playing outside the parents look healthy and purebred. The owner comes out and shows me the two puppies available. Both seem very playful and gentle and sweet and happy. The parents seem to approve of us too and well the one with the black collar warmed up to us and we paid the money and the rest as they say is history.
It was a rough ride home though. We put him in a plastic rectangular container and covered with towels and he threw up a few times. I don't think he was used to being in a car and it was a long trip. Eventually though he calmed down and went right to sleep and slept most of the way home. We stopped at the pet store bought a lot of stuff like gates to keep him in an area, pads for when he has accidents, a dog bed, food and some toys. So for now that should hold him over. But we are all very happy. Its going to be a lot of fun having another member of the family again in man's best friend and all.
The name I choose for him is "Charlie" as well that just seems like a great German Shepherd name. The dog in All Dogs go to Heaven was named that as well as the dog in one of my favorite Dinosaucers episodes. so it just seemed to be a good fit to me. I didn't want a name like Fido or Mutt or Rover or something. It had to be something that sounds like a cool name to a dog. So Charlie it is.
So far he is still going through adjustment stages where he is getting used to his new home and surroundings. He doesn't make a sound though. He just pants a lot and has a nervous look as he paces back and forth trying to get used to things. But that is all part of the adjustment stages. In a few days he will be fine. But it will take a few months of training of course until he is truly a dog that can have the run of the house. But good things are worth waiting for.
I can now scratch this goal off of my list as it has finally be achieved. ROAR ROAR ROAR!!
Wshoo glad that is done with. But the hard part is still to come with housetraining and obedience and getting him used to everything. But I'm just glad I finally found a dog I can add to the family and wound up paying a lot less than I thought i would and was patient and waited this all out. It all worked out so far.. knock on wood.