mmm...foamy-grass-puddle...I <3 my kitty.

May 22, 2005 03:06

Mmm. I smell frustration. Reply and tell me what’s up.

The Chicago trip was fulfilling…although kind of a blur…
Going by too fast, innit?
Not enough space for me to even sleep in my bedroom. The god-couch is more comfortable anyway, I suppose.
My bedroom door was open the whole week…the animals kinda claimed it. So many boxes full of all sorts of chew-able goodies…yet all they did was tear open my bag of sea monkeys and ate the contents of each little packet.
Those poor little primitive life forms had no chance at life in this world.
I’m gonna write a graphic novel about a sea monkey that lives inside a dog…
I’ll illustrate it all snazzy-like, then overprice it, then get the Contemporary Art Museum to sell it in their gift shop.
That is how I will make my fortune.

Oh, and using toothpicks to gauge your earlobes = bad idea
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