OK, anyone who knows me much knows I'm a "Night Owl" -- I naturally stay up late (can't get to sleep earlier) and always have low energy when I force myself to climb out of bed (regardless of how much sleep I got). Every day! Years ago I found out about
Non-24-Hour Circadian Rhythm Syndrome, and that seems to fit me very well. It feels to me
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So the Zeo interests me more because it's not a motion sensor; it's more direct about trying to measure sleep. I remember reading somewhere where users posted that with a motion sensor the device will think you're asleep if you're merely lying motionless (or just not moving your arm). That sort of problem would be a big drawback for me, since I often lie awake motionless for a long time.
According to Zeo The ultra-light Zeo Headband - which is is made of soft, adjustable fabrics that stretch to fit various head shapes and sizes - rests comfortably on your forehead when sleeping and includes dry, hypoallergenic, silverized-fabric sensors that measure electrical activity naturally produced by the brain.
So I'd call it the same goal, different implementation concept.
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