As background to this post, I've always been a big enthusiastic supporter of infrastructure maintenance and improvement. A genuine fan of the topic. So I was more than delighted to find that it's one of Rachel Maddow's favorite issues!
I was in my car earlier today (Monday), listening to a replay of audio portions from The Rachel Maddow Show (MSNBC) on my local Progressive Radio station (
KTLK1150AM), when I heard the audio portion of:
Rachel's "Talk Me Down" segment from Dec 23. At (what I later discovered was) 1:22 into the segment, Rachel says sexily: "Infrastructure: Purrrrrrrr!". Wow, I instantly wished I could get a clip of that and save it or put it in my phone or something! So I thought I'd try to remember it later and try to look it up and find out some way to clip it.
Tonight, hanging out with
jusdisguy (after seeing Milk -- essential & well-done & important viewing of course), I mentioned my desire for an MP3 clip of Rachel's infrastructure purr. So after he left, I mused about finding a link to the video segment and posting to LJ to ask if anyone knew how to get an MP3 (or even .wav) audio clip off an MSNBC video link....
But what I ran into instead on
The Front Page of Rachel Maddow's MSNBC Page was a little section marked
New Ringtones by Popular Demand, and a link on the front page itself to:
Infrastructure: Purrrrrrr! (mp3 clip/ringtone)
Wow, listen to it!! Score!!! Rachel rocks my world, yet again!! AND, a tad shockingly, I'm not the only freak out there who wanted a clip of that! :D
P.S. Anyone know how I could've made the MP3 audio clip myself, if I had to? Or even a video MP4 clip?
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