I've realized that putting my doctor visits on LJ is really convenient for my records. So I'm putting even the boring doctor visits here.
Today I saw my PCP, Dr. Chan, for a followup on my thyroid medication. I'd pushed the followup to be as early as possible (only 4 weeks after getting my first thyroid pills) so I might have a chance to change the dosage before my India trip (I leave in ELEVEN DAYS!!!)
So Dr. Chan asked me how I was doing, and I told him I saw improvement. Far fewer naps or feelings of wanting to sleep all day. Though I also said I could see room for more improvement. Luckily he didn't ask me if I'd had trouble sleeping, 'cause I'd have had to say yes -- yes, that was me returning to my usual state before my hypothyroidism. So he ordered a blood test for TSH, which was taken at the end of my visit. I should hear the results in 2 days, and know if he's gonna change my dosage. Good.
I also told him I'd taken three courses of Prilosec (2 weeks of pills) separated by about 6 months each (they're supposed to be separated by >4 months). I told him each course helped less, and that I'm having more trouble now. Not so much burning (surprised him), but "stuff" coming up at night, even once in a while waking me up.
So he prescribed me Protonix. I'm supposed to take it for 3 months, then perhaps try taking Prilosec (1 pill a day) for a month solid, and see how that goes. I might end up there, might have to keep taking the Protonix; he doesn't know. We'll see.
Complicatedly, my new once-a-day Protonix isn't compatible with my once-a-day Levoxyl! So I'm supposed to take the Protonix "before bed" according to Dr. Chan. But the Nice Pharmacist (I finally saw that her name badge said "Janet") said I should take it a bit before dinner, so I could take it on an empty stomach. But the dosing pages the pharmacy prints says "take with or without food". Hmmm. Need to figure out an evening time that will be the least annoying. Ohhh, not easy!
- Got blood test; will get TSH results in ~2 days to determine if my thyroid pill dosage ought to change. Happily this'll be well in time enough before my trip to India.
- Got prescription for Protonix. OWWW, it's $30 copay!!
- Need to figure out a consistent evening time to take my Protonix.
- Randomly I picked up a free health mag from my doctor's office, which coincidentally had many ads for brand-name drugs in it. Protonix' ad had a link that's supposed to provide monthly rebates up to $30! Could be really cool; I signed up. I'm hopeful.