As I
previously mentioned, I really enjoyed the Nova episode
Volcano's Deadly Warning (a repeat from 2002). I just noticed on my TiVo that it's scheduled to repeat this Tuesday on PBS stations. If anyone out there is a volcanophile, or just curious about the science behind volcano eruption prediction, I highly recommend this show. It's also a gripping story of scientists who wanted so badly to help save people from deadly eruptions, but were frustrated in their attempts to do so since they couldn't narrow down their prediction dates. I really felt for those scientists, knowing that horrible doom was impending, but being unable to convince local populations to evacuate because they couldn't say if the volcano would erupt tomorrow or a few months later. And then finally, years later, there was the clever scientist, Chouet, who saw meaning in the data that others missed, and dramatically improved the precision and accuracy of eruption prediction. Great stuff!
There's a great and informative
interview with Chouet on the Nova website.