OOC: Profile

Nov 15, 2010 21:56

Name: Godric Impetuous Gryffindor
Nicknames: Godric Gryffindor XXI? … Not sure if that’s a nickname so much as there’s have been a lot of ‘Godric’s in the Gryffindor family over the ages (mostly in his direct line) and this one just happens to be the 21st to be named that. His parents call him ‘young lion’ sometimes too, if that counts.
Birthday: August 1st
Age: 14
School Year: 4th

Which House: Gryffindor
Reasoning?: Um, he’s practically the re-incarnation of the house’s founder?
Godric has more in common with this namesake then just then his blood. To be perfectly frank, on his first day at Hogwarts, during the sorting ceremony, Godric spent ten whole minutes up in front of the school with the sorting hat on his head… for no better reason then the hat decided he was SO much like its former owner was at his age that it wanted to reminisce! And I can tell you, the whole situation both amused and exasperated young Godric immensely… though mostly amused. Godric’s been rather partial to the hat ever since.

Appearance: Godric is tall for his age, with a build that gives the impression that one day, he’ll be prefect for protecting the weak (well that’s how he likes to put it at least). Godric has red-blond hair that shows hints of the deep russet color it seems to be gradually darkening into as he gets older and strong green eyes. Godric walks and presents himself with an easy confidence that has often gotten him compared to the very lion that decorates his family’s coat of arms (when he isn’t simply straight-up romping as young Gryffindors are known to do).
When out of uniform Godric clothing gives the impression of being chosen for its quality and durability more then its style, as his somewhat boyish rough and tumble nature means he’s always been a nightmare on clothing. Though when called upon to dress formally he cuts a rather impressive figure. Being born to a proper house, Godric wears all of his clothes formally and properly and proudly (shirts tucked in, and ties done up right) unless he has some reason (like strenuous physical activity) to do otherwise. That being said, in his first year or two at Hogwarts he always seemed to have a reason to do otherwise… but that was then and this is now, so he’s a bit better.
Godric’s hair, cut a little on the long side, has always been a bit of an unruly mop (though perhaps rugged mane might be a better term? if he grew it out a bit more)… not that it can’t be tamed with a bit of hair tonic when Godric really wants to look presentable.

Icons feature Jeremy Sumpter (mostly when he was 14-15 and starred in “Peter Pan”)

Personality: The model Gryffindor, Godric is a strong leader with a powerful laugh (the sort that makes you think the world’s okay just to hear it) that would fight to protect his friends to the last. As his middle name would suggest, Godric is also known for being quite impetuous, and having a scary hot temper when pushed too far. Godric, while certainly not the best of students, is a very far cry from stupid. Godric excels in DADA and has started making some progress in History of Magic (specifically the ancient history sections), but is about average in his other classes (he may not like sitting inside with books all day, but he acknowledges that work can be just as important as play sometimes… and is slowly learning better study habits as he goes along). An excellent strategist (when his temper is not set to full out burn), Godric is a formidable opponent in Wizard’s Chess, and it is said that Godric will be a natural duelist should ever the opportunity to duel so presents itself.
Godric, has always been a firm believer in judging a person based on who they are, and not where they come from or what others may have to say about them. While this does not mean he’s willing to be friends with everyone and their dog, it does mean he will at least give everyone an equal chance to prove themselves to him as friend or foe. Godric Gryffindor is harsh and unforgiving of those that betray him and does not back down from a challenge.

--As a man of action, he’ll probably be on the Quiddich team, most likely as a chaser.
--Also on the note of games, he’s rather fond of Exploding Snap. And though he owns a set of Gobstones, he’s never been overly interested in them. Oh, and he would love to play a proper game of Shuntbumps one day (broom jousting, though only played by kids on toy brooms these days, a proper old-fashioned game on proper brooms with all the gear would be spectacular! If admittedly dangerous… but surely no more so then Quiddich!)
--Oh and Godric loves adventure stories, most especially those that feature his paternal ancestor. He sometimes even tries to get permission to bother the Sorting Hat into telling him more of it’s time with the Gryffindor founder.

Blood Status: Pure.
Though his family has been known for being well in support of marrying whomever you love (muggle or witch, rich or poor), it seems most found it easier to marry witches then explain the whole Wizarding World to potential brides. Guess that’s just how it turns out sometimes, huh?
There has been the odd Muggle in his line of succession since Godric Gryffindor I of course, just not as many as you would expect given the Gryffindor’s open-minded-ness. Guess it’s also possible that the status of the Gryffindor line was always a little intimidating to Muggles as well. *sigh*

History: Godric Impetuous Gryffindor is a pure blood direct (paternal) descendant of the legendary Godric Gryffindor that founded the school, and will likely take over as head of the Gryffindor line one day. He grew up in Godric’s Hollow, in the very same house the founder was born into (though most of it has been renovated, re-made, or added-on since his ancestor’s time, the bones of the original house are still there somewhere underneath it all). Godric was all but raised and weaned on stories of his ancestor, coming to idolize both the man and his philosophies. He even took on what he believed to be the persona of the ancestral Godric Gryffindor (fighting off dragons and evil wizards and whatnot) whenever he and his childhood friends played their romping games of make believe around the town and even his house (much to his house elves dismay) in the years before he entered Hogwarts.

Yes Godric’s family is quite ‘well off’ (the Gryffindors have always been known for chasing their dreams, and more of them seem to succeed in it then not), but no, he doesn’t let it go to his head. In fact he barely thinks about money in general at all. Unless, you know, it’s specifically brought up or something. He’s never needed for it, and his parents never were the sort to flaunt it beyond what was necessary to keeping the Gryffindor heirlooms and estates in check, so he just doesn’t really think about it. Not when he could be thinking about fighting off sea monsters instead! Come on, who wouldn’t choose epic battles and saving princesses with honor and glory and chivalry and SWORDS over money any day?
(*sigh* if only the suits of armor around Hogwarts could talk... though he did convince one to show him how to swing a sword once back in his first year. He ended up cutting himself on it something fierce and had to stay in the hospital wing overnight. But that only made him want to learn how to use a sword even more!)

Needless to say Godric was a rambunctious sort in his early years. It was a wonder to most just to see him simply sit and study sometimes.
Godric’s calmed down quite a bit over the years though, and even though he still has a particular interest in anything to do with his ancestor’s time, and in learning the ways of combat magic and the sword… he doesn’t go off quite on so many ‘epic adventures’. In fact, these days he’s starting showing an equal interest in ancient wizarding history and battle strategies as he does in simple adventure tales. He’s also managed to channel his excess of physical energy into useful things too, primarily as a Quiddich player (winning glory on that field instead of in imagined wars). And he isn’t half bad at it either. Personality wise he’s becoming a very responsible individual as well, known for helping students younger and weaker then himself whenever he sees them in trouble.

All being said, Godric’s life seems to be progressing very well as he goes from rambunctious little kid with his head in the clouds to a strong responsible young man with a knack for leadership and strategy. Though he is still at that age where he believes he’s immortal, and will be for quite some time, his ‘adventures’ don’t land him in the hospital wing quite as often as they once did.
And no he hasn’t mastered the sword just yet. Though he does keep a well formed stick in the shape of one and goes outside to swing it around every now and then… and he truly hopes to find someone to teach him how to use a real sword one of these days.

ooc, profile

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