State Of The Human Adress.

Jan 01, 2007 01:01

The new year has just slid threw the door and smacked me upside the head, I guess I feel it is a good time for alittle bit of reflection. This year had definatly been one hell of a rollercoaster. Ups and downs left and right. The good the bad the ugly and all breathing down my neck.

Last year started off with a concusion, never a good way to start the new year. But I managed to servive that and carry on. I had one seriouse relationship of the year, lasted half the year. It was good it was bad, it felt right, I was wrong. I have recoved and am moving on, had a few dates with one lovely gentalmen, but it didnt feel quiet right. so I have confinued on, gone on diffrent dates, had a fling. So now im just kinda looking around and waying options.

Work wise it's been a long year, I still have the same job but I have movied up and am now working in the pharmacy. it's alot more challenging but at the same time I like to forced focus, keeping things oginized and in contorle. Not to menchain the steady pay check is just nice.

Social life, some of it's ugly, some of it's not so much, im just mostly trying to keep moving and working on making my life work. Some friends stick around some friends not so much. Things are what they are though some times you only see what you want or are willing to see. Some times it's a painful lesson to learn that some people procive you as less then you really are.

School wise I have some dircetion ideas finally but im still kinda working on the time to finally throw into motion my ideas. Im thinking of the coming fall starting school. Its looking like I will be going to allen after all. I really dont want to have to go over the grade just to go to a baking class. Though a good friend sugjested going to the cullenary arts school in SF. A very tempting idea but i think i want to dink around here first and make sure this is somthing I want to do for sure and not somthing I end up runing away from.

So all in all the year was not a bust if anything it was alot of learning exsperices and life lessons learned. Hopefully the coming year will be if only alittle less negitive and alot more positive but just have to wait and see.

Happy New year everyone one!
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