I have homework. I do not want to do it. So instead I'm going to fulfill
arcanelegacy's challenge. Her preference was to describe oneself in the purplest prose possible, but instead I chose a fictional character. Because I do not know how to describe myself in purple prose.
Oh god this goes against my nature D: )
argh. did I stumble upon something with that Julia/Trinity comparison? ;)
I'm your beta reader, remember? I've seen your writing in pajamas, not only in premiere outfit. so don't promise, just deliver ;) :D
Someone made that comparison? I'd be curious to see.
Haha! Okay, I'll remember that. And I'll try to deliver to the best of my ability :D Seriously, thank you.
me , in the previous post. Didn't develop it, but you can do it if you want, it's right up your alley. ;)
you know, the strong, silent woman who brings out the best in her man but it's ultimately her(tragic)death that sets him free... free to fulfill his destiny.
and so on ;)
you're the psychology student ;) :D
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