Jan 26, 2004 18:41
Next step: jumping off a cliff.
OK, this is my new journal. It's probably doomed to die of neglect much like every other journal I've ever started, so don't get too excited. On the other hand, I can only play Populous II so much while I'm at work ("so much" being quite a bit, actually), so I might update again sometime in this decade, believe it or not.
I was supposed to be engaging in a desperate last-minute cleaning frenzy before my mom got here today. Instead, my mom can't get out of her driveway and I'm at work. With any luck, she'll make it out of her driveway in the morning and I'll get to do the cleaning frenzy tomorrow. In the meantime, I am stuck at work for the ninth day in a row and have started answering the phone at home with "Thank you for calling Comfort Suites..."
Keep your fingers crossed for my mom getting here tomorrow. If I have to work one more day without some time off, someone's estate is going to be taking advantage of the "100% satisfaction guarantee.
And be patient with the journal design. I found the update page before I found the customization options.