Most of you have probably heard about Chevrolet's demonstration of the Law of Unintended Consequences, AKA their Chevy Apprentice program, which invites netizens to create their own commercials for the 2007 Chevy Tahoe. Naturally, the contest has had more than its share of SUV critics submitting entries. As for me? There was stuff to drag around! And music! And SUVs to make fun of! And it was easier than making a LJ icon! And there's a
link to my tomfoolery!
Actually my concerns with SUVs are less ecological and more a matter of needlesly huge vehicles blocking my view from my Corolla and asshats not knowing how to drive their behemoths. The clips they offered were inadequate for expressing those pains in my ass, so I worked with what they gave me. It was still fun.