wow it's been a while

Jun 02, 2008 00:39

I see from looking over my blog, the last time I posted was in March, shortly after my niece Haley was born. It's been too long.

As my life has gotten busier or so it feels sometimes, I've found I don't have the desire to post as much as I used to. Sometimes I just don't have time or anything exciting to write. However, since I haven't written in so long... I figure it's worth it now. I just have a lot from a two month period to condense into one blog entry.

Where to start...

Well at the beginning of April, actually the weekend of my 26th birthday I went downstate to visit my niece for the first time and boy is she cute! I didn't change her diaper yet but I got to feed her and spend some time with her. I also met Eric and Donna's daughter, Hannah for the first time. I was basically on baby overload during the weekend. I haven't had the opportunity to go back to Marine City since but I'm hoping to go down later this month when my dad flies out from California to visit my sister, Haley and brother-in-law for a week.

Over that whole month I basically anticipated my upcoming California vacation and missed Len tremendously. It was going on two months since I had seen him.

When May hit I really got into vacation mode. I flew out from Detroit to Los Angeles on May 10 and stayed with my dad and stepmom until May 17. They live in the Santa Clarita valley near Valencia. They reside in their camper in a campground where you can live there permanently with a postal address. The first full day I was there we went to Disneyland and California Adventure and I saw my step-nephew Quinton for the first time. He's three years old and he's quite the character. The next few days I hung out at the camper with my dad's dog, Buddy. At the end of the week I went to my step sister Effie and her husband Dave's house and stayed with them. They took me to a beach in Ventura and I got to go into the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Other first time experiences included seeing my first real-life jellyfish and eating an In-N-Out cheeseburger. The whole flying thing was interesting and stressful at first since I had not flown since before Sept. 11 and the security requirements have changed drastically since then. I got through it however.

For Memorial weekend I broke the 3 month streak of not having seen Len and drove to the U.P. to see him. I stayed up there Sunday evening through Tuesday. While the time was too short it was wonderful to see him. We didn't do too much other than have a very bad experience with his Mac lap top (won't go into detail on here) and went to the movies to see the fourth Indiana Jones movie. The movie was awesome by the way. I'm hoping I can make it to the theaters to see Prince Caspian soon. We'll see though.

Things are starting to pick up at work, as they usually do in the summer. I'm anticipating another busy summer.

Well that's about all I have to say right now, other than gas prices suck right now and I wish they would go down. I'm not hopeful that will happen anytime soon however.
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