Adios 2007

Dec 31, 2007 17:01

As I did in 2006, I shall take a few moments to recap the year 2007.

In January I had finally been living in Alpena and working at the Alpena News for a full year now.

In February Len and I officially began dating and I have to say that our 10 or nearly 11 months together have been wonderful so far. I can't believe how fast it's gone and how much we've done together so far. In some ways it feels like I've known him longer and yet it doesn't. I'm so thankful for having him in my life and I'm excited to see where God's going to take it next year. I've also gotten chances to get to know his wonderful family and I'm glad they've been so welcoming to me so far.

In March I took my first trip out of the state for the first time in 5 years with Eric, Donna and Ilene. It was a memorable road trip where we drove to Florida with all our stuff packed in the Samuelson 2-door Grand Am. Thanks guys for making it a great trip!

In April Sara, a close friend, moved to Arizona from Alpena after taking a photography job out there. I've missed her a lot this year and will always cherish the times we had together. We still talk about once a week on the phone and I got to see her just before Christmas when she was in Michigan visiting her family.

Since Sara's left, I've made some other friends through the Word of Life college and career group. We started meeting in May and over the past 7 months, I've gotten to know some extraordinary people who love the Lord.

I've also been committed to working with the youthgroup now for about a year. Over this year I've also become involved with the Junior High youth group in addition to the senior high because of my work schedule. It's been awesome to work with them and also cultivate a closer friendship with Jessica Y. from it. She's grown to be a very dear friend this year and I'm thankful for her.

We've had a lot of changes at the News this year in reporting and photography staff. We've had almost 100 percent change in reporters with only Sue and I the original ones left since I started. I like the new coworkers. We're still in the process of finding someone to replace Adam and Amy who left in November. I also managed not to call in sick at all in 2007, woo hoo!

I got the news in August that I'm going to be an aunt and found out later I will have a niece. Eric and Donna are also having their first child, a girl in February, praise God for such gifts. Courtney had her son, Nicholas in May.

This year I also got to cover one of the biggest stories of my journalistic career so far, about the former Alcona County treasurer who embezzeled $1.2 million in county funds, some of them into a Nigerian scam. The case got international attention and NBC Dateline was at one of the court hearings! That was really exciting for me since I'm from a small town newspaper and nothing like that happens up here often.

This has been an interesting and good year overall. There have been some ups and downs as normal, but I'm thankful to have lived another year with the people I love. Thank you God for that.
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