- I've had a really bad day. I'm all alone in the house, [i'm super scared of being alone in the house] and i hear this squeaking coming from the kitchen. The only other person who is in the house is my cat. I assume that she's brought a bird in the house or something, [I'm rather hysterical by now, cos i don't like dead things]. I see this tiny bird run out from the cupboard into the printer, and my cat's running after it trying to eat it.
There's feather's everywhere! I'm crying, everything's going bad. I'm seriously PLEADING with my cat to stay away from it, i'm doing everything to get the cat away from the printer. In the end i lock her outside. I'm too scared to get the bird out in case it's dead.
So i call my dad, he said just leave it, it's probably dead, just keep the cat away. So then my step sister comes home, she goes to look in the printer, and the bird's alive. She manages to get the bird into the conservatory. We come back awhile later, and we think that it's flown away because it's not in there anymore.
End of story you think? WRONG! About an hour later [during deal or no deal, i may add] I hear the squeaking again. The bird's managed to fall into a vase ¬_¬ So my dad gets it out and gives it some food and water. My cat's eying it from the door, just waiting to eat it. It can't fly, and it's not drinking anything. My dad lets it go out into the garden, and everything's calm again.
UNTIL, i look out of my window and see it being eaten by 2 magpies ¬_¬
- I have a headache and i feel sick =[ I don't want to see another animal in my life. I'm ignoring the cat.
[thats the closest i can find to the bird. cept it was more fluffy]