Fugly Graphics website

Jul 14, 2010 21:12

Hi everybody,

I renamed my website a few weeks ago. Now it´s called like my LJ community www.fugly-graphics.de.  And big hero that i am, i started to make a new layout for my little website where i put my artworks. In the process, i wanted to delete a lot of older artworks that i don´t like anymore. I wanted to let people in the community know that and give them an opportunity to save what they like from the page before i delete them. But because of the heat or something...........my mind wasn´t working right yesterday and i kind of already deleted lots of artworks and now i can´t get them back anymore. Shit happens!  :(

Anyways, i still had big trouble uploading the new layout afterwards because the pages or the artwork didn´t showed up and the layout looked wrong.

And now i wanted to ask you guys if you could take a quick look over the website and tell me if the links are working and if the pictures show up?  Also if there is something looking wrong in the layout itself.........cause i know that in other browsers it may be the case.

Here it is:

Thank you so so much for the help!

Oh.......btw. today i drove back home from work through the strongest and intense storm of my life! I was terrified! There were trees on the street, garbage bins were in the middle of the street and tree brances were flying around and one of them hit my car but i was lucky it wasn´t that big! Then it started to rain so much that i couldn´t see the street anymore and instead of driving 120km/h I and other drivers we drove with 30km/h. Can you imagine that? Oh, and when a truck passed me by the water from the street splashed OVER my whole car! I screamed so much! LOL
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