Jun 15, 2005 22:24
Wel today was really stressful
rehersal was tiring
we learned all of be our guest wich is a 10 minute song
adn we learned it all today
and we also learned the whole opening wich is really long also
And then when I got home spencer called last minute adn cancelled
going to see the movie
so i am kind of bummed that I didnt get to see him
im not mad at him for cancelling cause he said we could go friday
but I dont know if i can cause i dont have a ride
and I dont think I could ever be mad at him anyways
but I cancelled going to urintown the musical rehersal today cause of that whole ordeal
wich that is the high school level musical i got offered to be in
but I guess its ok
I have tomarrow
but I really miss him
I havent seen him at all this summer
but its ok
I am cool..I can wait
So since I didnt go to the movies with spencer
I called danieele and told her we werent going ne more
so she was like well then lets go see a diffrent movie up there
so we wnet to the movie theatre in orange city
and it wasnt even playing lords of dogtown
So I was like then maybe its a good thing he cancelled
cause then we would have not been able to see the movie ne ways
but i still wish he came
but danille and I went and saw batman begins
It was so flipping good
Its much better than any other batman movie.
Today at B&B rehersasl
I was so clumsy I fell adn then i hurt my wrist falling again
but my voice sounded good
but it was exaughsting todya
we learned one full song
and then the opening song also
so 2 songs
plus blocking
plus singing work
but i guess we need it
we dont have much time
well i am goign to go do excersise
write later