Aug 14, 2007 09:35
i am so effing bored so this is an attempt to reach every one in my little bubble at once.
today my house is complete again with the return of fatty matty from virginia beach. hope he didnt make any babies out there.
my fingers burn like the gonnoherp from all the typing at work.
i spent this saturday night at the north pole with two wonderful friends. couldnt have asked for more fun.
sunday =swim.
i could kill a small village for some hot wings right now. seriously. a village of around 230 or so. all of them. annihilated.
they want us to pace ourselves at work so we dont finish early. i think that means they want me to not work. hence the reason ive most likely stalked every one of you today. creepy. i know.
i will not make my dog a myspace. but i will find a way to spread his sexy man beast bob newhart face around the world.
the bathrooms smell like diapers. but it is definitely not bring your baby to work day.
kathy griffin looks like she should get a lot of head aches. migraines even. just a thought.
when i was stalking jan i remember she said my favorite color was jack daniels. shes funny.
im going to start wearing underwear in an attempt to be grown up. thats what grown ups do right? and its ok to try new things? i hate commitment. and a life time commitment to a peice of clothing really freaks me out.
a want to dye my hair. but i just got the pics. so i cant change much. i wanna get ankle implants so i look like barney rubble. he is so effin hot. i guess i could invest in some wide leg jeans.
do you think when men have to go number 1 and 2 they use the urinal and the toilet? or just the toilet? even though everyone will know why youre going to the toilet. or theyll think you have some weird complex about urinals.
i tried to use a urinal once. unsuccessful.
i think thats enough of todays installment of nothings.
i wish you all a friend to spoon.
and chickpeas. lots of chickpeas.
that was yesterday. i bet you 5 bucks i will still be bored today. i think i took a maternity leave from the live journal. i apologize. i was cheating on you with the myspace.
way to not die...for those of you who didn't.... im still a live. ....kinda?