ok, i am now an official Top Chef (season 4) geek.
well, ok. i am a Richard stalker. but you guys already knew i had this tendancy before, so it's nothing really new to you- just who the flavor of the month is NOW, right? (*hee hee hee!*)
i just finished the condensed (suck) versions of season 4 videos on Bravo.com... just so i could get screencaps of Richard. turns out i only ever missed the first 2 eppies of this season. so, till i get them ALL finished and converted to .jpg format (instead of .png) here's a taste of ... the dish of the month
he is SO gorgeous in blue!
a beer and a burp
??? WHAT??? how did i miss THIS scene??
(ps, he's a top-bunker! my kind of guy!)
AND he wears glasses!!!
picking teams
in the stew room