Nov 01, 2007 19:11

Oh, by the way, I'm finally gonna take some advice from awhile back and try the Elegant Gothic Lolita look. I'm afraid my style's cutesy-ness is starting to conflict with the more traditional goth- thing I was going for. I have some bows and a baby-doll blouse (and the cutest shoes on the face of the Earth) . It's worth a try...

Those pictures I posted I took while visiting family in Florida. So I had to dress a tad more normal :(

If my close family were not stuck in the disposable-camera stone age, I might have some piccys of me in my CT clothes. I dress slightly more "dark" here and wear more makeup (but tastefully. not The Crow or anything), but it 's just my taste in clothes.  I've actually been told I'm too happy to dress the way I do and listen to Siouxsie and whatnot :(

P.S.  The word "goth" makes me cringe sometimes. "Oh, she's an Elegant Lolita" sounds sort of better.
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