Der Meister

Aug 06, 2013 00:21

So, my first post on LJ in years - first from this new account. I had one many years ago but god only knows what happened to it. Turning over a new leaf in many respects!

I completed my degree in French and German last July (2012) and managed a 2:1 despite the German department's best efforts. French, pas de probleme. Deutsch? A totally different situation. Aside from that, after umm-ing and aah-ing, I applied for a place on a PGCE course at Nottingham University and was slightly shocked when I was accepted and offered a place. Apart from being shocked at having succeeded, I was still unsure if teaching was something I wanted to do, and moreover; something I was actually good at.

One very tough year later, I certainly don't regret making this choice. Not only has it made me a much stronger; more resilient person; it has drastically altered my perception of politics and my outlook on life. I highly doubted that I would make it through at some points, but through the tears and apathy I got through it with some really positive feedback. From my confidence falling dramatically around Easter time, I have come out the other side with increased self-esteem and self-worth, something I have never been incredibly good at maintaining!

I managed to secure myself a job at a wonderful school, where I am so excited to be starting work very soon. After all the hard work I put in, and maintaining my high expectations, I found myself the right place and managed to prove a lot of people wrong. If you have high expectations of your pupils, they will work to make sure they achieve these expectations, and do their best. Seems the same with the job market. I did encounter many setbacks and rejections when jobhunting, which does make you doubt yourself and your ability, as you wonder why you have been rejected so many times. Especially when the only reason someone beat you to it is because "they extended their answers slightly more than you did". Nothing to do with their standard of teaching?!

Anyway, currently am working back at a well known food retail outlet for the summer, as I have been doing for the past seven years (selling my soul I know), but needs must as I require money for the big move at the end of the month!
That in itself is stressful, and I don't tend to let trivial matters such as the ones in my current job grind me down. But today took the biscuit. Asking me for things that haven't even appeared on an order screen?! I make sure every order that appears is completed and presented, what do you want me to do, acquire psychic powers?!

Grr argh. Rammstein makes everything better anyway. One more day to work, and then I actually have a day off to enjoy, when I will catch up with an old school friend, good times!


work, languages, job, music, german, pgce, teaching, rammstein, french, history

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