lets recap shall we?

Jan 07, 2008 13:08

so this is what i know...

dec 14-i get home to memphis...walk into an empty house...and for some reason walk straight to the piano...i sit and play and it soothes my soul...i go pick up brian...we go alfreds for a drink...i see athena for the 1st time since september and she basically humps my leg...we leave there and go to the blue monkey see my boys and then head to neils...drunk drunk drunk

dec 15-surprise dinner for LD at cafe ole...afterwards i go pickup brian...we go to mary's bar...he gets cornered by lynne (amys 42 year old ex)...its awkward...amy gets there later she and i and brian are all standing by the bar talking to about 8 other people...lynne walks over and bear paws amy right on the arm in front of everyone...good thing i was sober otherwise i mightve curbed ol mawmaw right there...brian and i leave i take him home and go to backstreet by myself...hook up with a random girl and go home...drunk

dec 16-play phone tag with amy...sunday funday...drunk

dec 17-amy leaves for cabo...prob drunk with brian

dec 18-last tila tequila...cooked lasagna for brian and chris...while cooking and waiting on chris to get into town drank 3 bottles of wine with brian...decided we wanted pot...texted random hookup from 3 nights before...drove out to gtown picked it up smoked with guy that sold it to us...brian blacks out in the parking lot and gashes his head open...i nearly black out while driving...chris drives us back downtown...drunk

dec 19-no idea...prob drunk with chris

dec 20-go to old venice to see jeff...walk in...hes sitting between lynne, jeanne and her ex/current gf while roxanne is warming up...2 girls i graduated with are waiting tables...a girl ive known since 1st grade is there...as chris jeff and i walk to the car to drink vodka 3 girls i coached walk through the door...hi awkward situation...chris and i leave go hang out with megan and sarah at tracks and get drunk

dec 21-chris jerrad and i go to my boys house to watch the memphis game...leave at half time to go to jeffs xmas party...walk in to see lynne and her aarp crew, jeanne and her ex/current gf, a "recovering" coke head and jeff and his bf scott...we get jeannes keys to go watch the game...i see a picture she has framed of me blake chris and jeff...i get freaked out and we go back to the boys house...decide we wanna go to backstreet even though its friday...leave backstreet and go to the pony(strip club) cant get in b/c its $25 for chris since he's not 21...continue to funnel vodka...go home drunk

dec 22-i cant remember...we'll go with drunk

dec 23-xmas shopping...sunday funday with nathan at young ave deli...drunk

dec 24-church with the fam...drink vodka with my sister all night...drunk

dec 25-xmas...go out to the blue monkey with michael and his friend katie or kristin i cant remember...jodi weesie and robin all come up...michael kristin/katie and i go have a drink at alfreds...drunk

dec 26-go workout with katie forbis...mom finds whats left of my secret vodka stash and blames it on my sister...i fix the problem...go have a couple of pitchers with blair...drunk

dec 27-go to marys....get my matching bracelet from amy...hers says lil one mine says frisbee...yes...she spelled it wrong...go back to the boys house and get tanked...sleep on their couch...drunk

dec 28-date night with megan...we go to the griz game...then to the boys house...then to tracks...then we leave her and go to newbys...tamera and i tell everyone im dani from tila tequila...we go smoke on the back porch...sleep on the couch again...drunk

dec 29-brian FINALLY gets back in town...we go to one more...amy makes out with lynne right in front of me...im pissed...we go to backstreet...drunk

dec 30-my entourage starts to arrive...jess hess and blake get into town...we meet up with nathan and jerrad to watch the bama game at marys...bama wins...we get shmammered...head down to alfreds...amaze everyone with our karaokee skills...drunk

dec 31-the remaining members of my entourage get into town...joseph casey cory jacob matt travis chris jerrad jess hess blake and i tot down to brians to meet up with him and brooke...i being drinking 100proof soco straight from the bottle...we to to mollie fontaines...then to backstreet...i remember about 15 minutes of backstreet...apparently i picked up a bottle off the pool table slung it against the wall turned around looked at travis and said oops lets go dance...story of my life...drunk

jan 1-matt and jacob leave before lunch...go to beale street eat ribs...casey joseph and cory leave...drink at alfreds...owner of double deuce keeps buying us shots...leave about 1030 only to find out everyones car at the end of beale including jerrads had been broken into except mine...thank god condi's a bitch...pick up a 12 pack and a tall boy head back to the house...keep drinking...drunk

jan 2-travis jess hess and blake leave...chris and i go eat at bluefin for his birthday...drink sake...buzzed

jan 3-each lunch at dyers...drink 2 brews at alfreds...head home for dinner...leave and go to tracks with megan and sarah...drink a bucket of beer...drunk

jan 4-get chris' id back from backstreet...go pick up brian...cocktails at mollie fontaines...head to a lesbian white trash party...amy is there...1st time weve spoken since she made out with lynne...we take her home...i walk her to the door and tell her to knock it off...we make out...in front of her dads secruity cameras...there was 100 proof involved...drunk

jan 5-i drive back to tuscaloosa...get in around 930...hop in the shower...drive to bham...see my future 2nd wife at the yacht club and she actually remembers me...its sweet...we leave and go to the quest...i get roofied and proceed to make out with just about every girl there...drunk

jan 6-i smoke alllllllll daaaaaaay with blake...sarah and natalie come over...they have wine...i drink 2 glasses...buzzed

and now im here...my liver is officially on strike...im about to go work out and then go get beer for the game tonight...roll tide?

yes...roll tide.
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