
Sep 12, 2006 13:43

so i have realized i cant drink liquor anymore around certain people...

or at least not at this point in my life...

ive realized that i have some amazing friends...one imparticular that i would do anything for...

its fucked up but she makes me want to be a better person...

moving on

i went home this past weekend to see my family...eve had her baby shower saturday and i met her fiancee whooptyskip...he seemed a bit overwhelmed when meeting the frisby side of the family...and i dont blame him one bit

friday night i went out with avery, adam, drew, david and phillip...we went down to stella where todd and zach work...had a few cocktails and hung out with some of the super cool folks that work there...headed back to todd zach and drews house and played poker until 4am...i went all in on a pair of kings and adam beat me on pocket aces...oh well i lost $10 to family so its all good...

saturday was the baby shower...lame lame lame...but i guess thats how theyre supposed to be right?afterwards i went back to todd zach and drews and hung out with drew, david, dustin and phillip and watched the alabama game...david and drew both went to UT so it was a pretty rough time watching it with them...we all started drinkin and havin a good time...people were in and out the whole night and megan even stopped by for a bit...phillip and i wound up heading to dish around 1230am and ive decided its probably the coolest bar in memphis...definitely 2 thumbs up...we left there and went to the flame and phils drunk ass was dancing with everyone...it was pretty hilarious...im super excited for him,todd and adam to come down for the ole miss game...its gonna be ridiculous

came home sunday...and cried myself to sleep..."youll never know how sorry i am"

had a good night last night...started off weird...but ended in a way that i never thought would happen..."i love you in a way i didnt know was possible"

ive started writing again...i think caleb and i are gonna get together and work on some stuff...pretty stoked about that...

ive been listening to the john butler trio like its goin out of style...amazing i say...amazing

ok thats all...im goin to buy books...i know right?
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