Dec 28, 2012 01:37
Having one of my "up" periods no one ever believes me about, where I can't sleep for more than four hours at a time and am going to bed at 6am because I feel allergic to sleeping at night, and can't concentrate on anything for longer than ten seconds at a time. Sick. I hurt all over. I hurt just sitting here. My throat hurts like I have strep or something, and there are spots on my head that feel like I was hit by a baseball bat there, like they should be swollen and bruised but aren't. Michael says I've been going on a hunger strike, which I didn't realize, but I haven't been very hungry at all because of being sick. Don't know what I'm sick with, but I know I'm dehydrated. I guess the mucus isn't making it to my sinuses, it's just all going straight down. Drinking lots of honey-vanilla tea with more honey. We are I think hopefully going to go see the hobbit at some point.