She's bald, Jerry

Apr 27, 2007 00:42

I think I've mentioned it before, but I am officially graduating in June. I've said it about million times to people, but I don't think the reality of it has set in. I hate when people ask me what I want to do after I graduate, because I really have no idea, and because I don't really want to say because I'm afraid people will judge me. I actually do that a lot, hold back on what I'm really feeling because I don't want other people to think it's stupid or lame. I don't think will go to grad school, because all of the reasons not to go were the reasons I was going, so I decided that it probably wasn't the best idea. I kind of just want to take a small amount of time off before I look for a "real" job, but I don't know if that's a good idea or not.

As this is my last quarter, I picked horrible classes as my final work load at OSU. Namely, poly sci 514 which is Women and the Law. I thought it would be more like how law cases have affected women politically and such. But no, it's pretty much a pre-law class and all we do is read case law. It fucking sucks and it's hard. But, we're reading a book on abortion politics and it's actually quite interesting. It mainly talks about how abortions are becoming more and more difficult to obtain, especially for low-income women. And then on Wednesday as I was walking across the Oval to go to Spanish, the annual pro-life rally was taking place with all their huge posters of aborted fetuses. I found it quite disturbing that there were more children (like 6 or 7 year olds) passing out flyers than adults. Then my poly sci professor had the class go down there and "talk" with the protesters. They spout out a bunch of statistics and then when you question them about it, they just go back to quoting scripture and the bible. So it's rather futile to debate with them.

What else...oh, well when the lease is up in August, Amy and I were going to move out together and get a two bedroom apartment. Well, the other week, she dropped quite a bombshell on me. She said that when Brandon asked her to move in with him in August, she said yes. But then she took it back for some reason (still unclear about that, but it wasn't because she already agreed to live with me) so her and Brandon almost broke up because of that. But, who knows, a lot could happen between now and August. She may feel she's ready to move in with him then. If she does, that pretty much leaves me fucked. I honestly don't know what I'll do if that happens. I have very little options. Move back in with my parents? God, no. I can't afford to live by myself unless I get a good job right after graduation. This isn't some desperate plea for a roommate, I just don't have a lot of people to talk about this with. I can't really tell Amy because she'll get defensive and we'll just fight. I think moving in with him is a big mistake, but what the hell do I know?

I pretty much wasted the entire day today because I had to help Danny fix his senior thesis. He turned it in last week and his teacher gave it back to him and said it "doesn't meet standards to graduate." I'm glad they did that instead of just failing him. I literally had to re-write almost the entire thing. I'm really concerned if that is his level of writing as a senior in high school. But I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that he waited until the last minute to do it (of course) and then just typed whatever came into his head without making any rough drafts or outlines. I wish I could do my senior thesis again, I would do it so much differently, it would have been awesome!

I saw Hot Fuzz last weekend. It was so funny. And actually, I kinda think that Simon Pegg is pretty hot. Haha...I know, but he totally is in the movie. And, Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School is also freakin' awesome. Mo'Nique seems an odd choice to be teaching charm school, but whatever, she's funny. The one chick on it is always saying "I'm from 54th and Crenshaw!"...I..I don't know what that means. I don't know streets.

So UA prom was last weekend and one of the cops and giant eagle said they searched the limos for alcohol as they came to PromoWest and they turned away like 125 kids! HA! Stupid kids. Mr. Edwards said there was tons of alcohol in those limos, you wouldn't even believe. And, of course, parents are aruging with Greenhill about it. I guess, maybe it did infringe upon their 5th amendment rights (is that the one that prohibits unwarrented search and seizures?) I don't know. Alright, enough UA news.

Okay, this journal may be too long as is, so I commend you if you got to the end! Peace out!
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