Jan 11, 2007 00:37
I have finally realized why my poly sci professor looks so familiar. It has been bugging me for the past three lectures. I had become so engrossed with it that I would completely zone out. After finally focusing back on the lecture and realized that I'd missed two or three slides about Waltz's theory of international relations something or other, I had an epiphany.
He is Bill from Freaks and Geeks. I mean they look the same, and they sound the same....mainly they way he talks is just like Bill. Unfortunately, Bill's real name is Martin Starr and my professor is Seth Goldstein. He could have changed his name to avoid students yelling "Hey, aren't you Bill from Freaks and Geeks?? And why are you now a poly sci grad student??" Yea...that's totally what happened. Because c'mon...everyone's heard of Martin Starr!!
I have also come to realize that I hate Spanish...no offense to any native Spanish speakers reading this. I dred going to class everyday. But then I think...so what if she calls on me and I don't conjegate the verb right or whatever....what is she going to do? Have me ritualistically killed in front of the class....sacrificed to the gods of crappy spanish students? No, I suppose that's just as likely as having Martin Starr as my poly sci professor. I also find it hilarious that there is this girl in my class who seems like she's pretty good at spanish, yet her accent is so horrible. I cringe on the inside everytime she speaks. It's as if she's combined valley girl talk with spanish in some parallel universe.
I suppose I should go to bed so I can run off to Spanish tommorrow and be confused as hell.