Feb 21, 2006 21:56
I ask myself every single day, "How can any creature of God do something so horrible to another one of God's creatures?." I've heard stories of certain things involving rape...and people taking advantage of another and it never really affected me until knowing someone who means the world to was near that brutal experience. Why must innocent people go through that, why should this happen each day to so many others. How can someone stand over a helpless woman and beat her and take advantage of her, how can sum1 be that cold hearted to be able to do that? Most times I feel like I can barely breath or barely have a clear thought on something pure or something of well-being but no, I get thoughts of me seeing someone so helpless and in pain and I can't do anything at all about it. All I can do is prevent that happening to her again and I swear on my life I will do that. but to me thats not good enough, I wish I can go back all those times to prevent all the pain from happening to my Princess. But thats impossible now, and now they're just scars imprinted in my mind and hers. These scars feel impossible to cure, they're just revealed eeach time of the day. I try to be so careful with her, I tell her not to go out late, not to hang out with some people, not to take the bus home late, not to drink too much wen she's out, and so far nothing harmful has happened to her in a really long time but, memories are always coming to mind and hurting me and her. All I want right now is to just hold her so tight in my arms to know nothing will ever come and hurt her be happy and move on with our future happily together..but that cant happen now...