things I have cooked recently

Nov 05, 2011 22:40

Sooo ... just making a note on my expanded repertoire. Because next time I can't figure out what to cook, I can check this. Or something. Around here, the hardest part of cooking dinner is usually figuring out what to cook. I think by now, I'm getting the hang of the other part (cutting things up and applying heat to them).

I've been cooking dinner about half the time over the past couple weeks, because Mom's out of town, and she asked me to make sure Dad got some actual food once in a while. (Dad does not cook. Don't ask why, there is no why. He just doesn't. Except when it comes to grilling. He likes fire, but for some reason, the flame on the kitchen stove fails to get him going.)

Note to self: remember to screen my dates for chef capability. Not that lack of culinary prowess is a deal breaker, but it would be nice if I wasn't going to be the only cook in my household for the rest of my life. I dunno how Mom stands it, although she does like to cook. She also really likes it when someone else (me) does it and saves her the effort.

successful recent hits:
- homemade mac and cheese with nuked broccoli on the side
- whole wheat spaghetti with chicken sausage, garlic kale, and pine nuts -- this was awesome
- baked chicken breast with some "rub with love" spice mix and olive oil (and brown rice and salad). Note: chicken takes a LOT longer to cook than fish does. pfft. But my first time cooking chicken parts in the oven, came out just fine. You just gotta cut up the chicken, season it, put it in the oven, and wait. (And wait and wait.) Came out tasting fine though.
- quesadillas. You can never go wrong with cheese and stuff.
- homemade pizza (still can't get the damn crust to bake right though)
- stir fried tofu with veggies (does not, in fact, need to be breaded -- just fry in oil, it'll get crispy) ... also this is a good way to use up leftover veggies from fridge, just throw 'em all in there
- beef and broccoli stir fry. Need to work on seasoning, but it's pretty good if you sear the beef in hot oil first.
- fried rice. Fried brown rice does not work so good, it's too dry. Either that, or it was dry to begin with and just didn't get any better the second time around. but at least it was edible. sorta.
- pasta with sardines. Do not forget: it's garlic, breadcrumbs, AND parmesan cheese. (pfft.) Also, that floury coating shake'n'bake stuff, while tolerable, does not work so good -- real breadcrumbs would work better.
- salmon with blanched balsamic-glazed green beans, that was a good one. Mmmm, fresh wild salmon. Holy god it's expensive, though.

I think tomorrow I might try toasted cheese sandwich with apple slices.


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