As usual, writing is harder than it looks

Oct 01, 2010 18:27

So a friend of mine on the NaNoWriMo boards asked me to write a thing about cooking in small spaces with minimal equipment. Like if you're in a dorm, or a small apartment, or (as my uncle said he did) on board a ship ... you might not have access to pressure cookers and convection ovens. Much less little ramekins or muffin tins or etc.

So I started to write a thing on survival cooking, and you know what? It's disorganized and keeps going off on tangents. It's too long. Nobody's gonna read this thing, and if they do they're not gonna get any useful info out of it. I learned about food by reading and watching, and I learned how to shop and cook by doing it. I'm not sure a document is going to help anyone.

maybe I should just list ideas for basic meals, like "egg and toast sandwich with a side of fruit." But how does one organize the basic meals? By carb? You can swap around most carbs (rice, bread, pasta, tortillas, pancakes) interchangeably, which is the whole point I've been trying to make. By equipment? I tried that, but there's so many things you could do with just a knife and cutting board (much less a microwave, stove, toaster oven, etc.) that it's impossible to give a good overview.

I dunno. I need to go now since everyone just got home.

later edit: In other writing news, the NaNoWriMo website has just completed its annual reset. It looks about the same as it did, except the forums have gotten bigger (again).

cooking, writing madness

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