
Jun 04, 2005 21:49

Hey, everybody! Sorry 'bout not updating this thing-ga-ma-gig thing, but I've been busy BUSY! Busy eatin' ramen with Chouji and running around from the growed-ups. They found my paintin' of the weird old guy and started yellin' at me 'n' stuff. But you know, you know? I didn't think they'd figure out it was me-tte ba yo! Iznot like you can read what I wrote anyway!

I heard loads of things were happening when I was roamin' around town. The people were scoutin' 'round my house so I coudldn't get home. Iruka and Hinata found I cat! That's really awesome you guys. If I could find a cat that didn't scratch me, I'd keep it-tte ba yo! I'd name it...I'd name it...AW, I dunno what I'd name it, but it'd be yellow or blue or somethin'. Maybe with stripes'n'stuff. I'm gonna go lookin' for one tomorrow!

Sasuke said ...I mean Slippery Koi said that me'n'Pretty Flower's gotta train with the big boobies lady and the old guy. Maybe I'll bump inta them tomorrow.

Bye bye!
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