Manga manga manga~

Aug 25, 2010 14:59

why oh why....
Ever since I started reading manga I've become an Otaku -_- 
Most of my moneys are spend for manga
Most of my Times are spend for manga
Most of my... oh well

I remember that I need half of day to rearrange my manga and I remember my beautiful bookcase is breaking.
My father is the person who introduce me to manga world when I was still little he bought a lot of manga like Dragon ball and Doraemon. And when I was in elementary school I was so obsess with Sailor moon and Horror manga. And of course because I'm still little my parent was the one who pay XD 
Entered Hight school I started to bought manga with my own money. My brother and sister also buy manga but not as exhaustively as me. whatever I got money I spend it for manga or anime or merchandise... I think I spend millions for that three x__x
since I graduate high school I stop buy new manga because I don't want to spent anymore money, I decide that I only want to buy manga that I've already buy to complete it.
Manga rental is my money savior, I read manga online to prevent myself for buying new manga but some time there's no manga or chapter update but miraculously the manga that I want to read was published in my country so~~ I go to manga rental and read it lol

even thought  I told myself that no new manga but yesterday I bought two new manga (GAHHH my habit is die hard) My Sweet Kaicho (Kaicho wa maid sama) and Black butler (Kuroshitsuji). I was like crazy, Black butler already published 8 volume and I can only found vol. 1,2,3,6, and 7. I was go to three bookstore (walking) and only manage to found vol. 8 (I didn't buy vol. 8). Since this is Ramadan month I was Fasting so I felt my self so damn tired, so exhausting, so sleepy and yeah so hungry x__x

Truth to be told I still attach myself to manga, I enter graphic design majors and manga is one of my inspiration resource. At least I only intend to buy manga and art book in future
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