I spent most of today plugging songs from my Ghettocomp Collection (which mostly consists of stuff I've downloaded from you guys, albums I "obtained", and legally free stuff from places like
aurgasm) into my converter program and shrinking them, sometimes massively, by reducing the sampling rates to 64 kbps (the lowest I know still sounds acceptable, since I have some songs by Vast like that). Timmy D. can hold hours more music when the files are all tiny like that, it's glorious.
And then tonight I watched the season finale of Supernatural and discovered a very important similarity to Angel, an old favorite: MASSIVE EVIL CLIFFHANGERS OF DOOM.
WHY DID THEY HAVE TO LEAVE OFF RIGHT AFTER THE CRASH? I mean, I should've known something bad was going to happen when I heard Bad Moon Rising playing, but damn! I'm not too worried about Sam and Dean, because they're the main characters and I probably would've seen something on my flist or 2flist by now if either actor were in danger of not coming back for whatever reason, but what about John? He's not so much a main character as a very important supporting character, so he might get killed off, which would suck. Dean needs his family! *wibbles*