Like I told
mousapelli I'd do, I downloaded a couple of subtitled Japanese horror movies to watch this weekend, Ringu and Pulse. I decided that, since it's thunderific outside right now, it would be the perfect time to watch them, so I opened Ringu. I'm only a few minutes in and I'm already creeped out, a major change of pace from the American version.
*goes back to watching, but will keep y'all posted*
ETA: Gahhh. *shudders* I think the atmosphere had as much to do with it as anything, but I was totally creeped out all through the movie. Everything seemed to fit together a lot better in this version than in the remake, what with Sadako and her mother both being supernaturally inclined in the first place instead of the mom breeding horses or whatever and the daughter being unnerving or whatever. The idea of Tomoko becoming part of Sadako (I'm guessing that's what Ryuji was implying) and Ryuji being recognizably incorporated into the doctor or whoever else the original covered-head guy might've been was at once awesome and creepy, and Asakawa calling her Dad to show him Yoichi's copy of the video is downright ruthless. And, on a lighter note, I spotted a
familiar face. X3
It's kinda late and I'm suitably edgy, so I'll probably wait until tomorrow to watch Pulse.