If Dad doesn't come home with groceries I'm going to be most displeased. Except for the part where it's an excuse to go home, that is.
The other day, I got it into my head to check
ramenaddict's journal, since back when I first got an LJ I'd wanted to be sans underscore and was thwarted.I think I looked it up a few times afterward, just for the hell of it, and this most recent time the journal was gone: deleted AND purged. "At last!" I thought to myself, "I can get a rename token and get rid of that stupid underscore!" And then I actually thought it out. A rename token is fifteen bucks. Even if I DID have that kind of money to throw away (and don't I sound so old saying that?) I wouldn't blow it on a change of a single character. If I'm going to use a rename token it's going to be to change the name entirely, and I don't see any point in that. I've grown quite attached to
ramen_addict and, if the not-infrequent references to me as "Ramen" are any indication, it's grown attached to me as well.
Yes, that whole paragraph was just one long, elaborate way of saying "I thought about changing my name but changed my mind". *goes back to doing whatever it is she does when she's not posting nonsense*