Akira drabbley thing, 371 words. I just had to write it, you know? (Warning, it's one of those ones that just ends.)
Akira waits in line at the bank with one quarter of his mind on go, one quarter of his mind on how obscenely happy Hikaru's been lately, and half his mind on how the jacket of the woman in front of him is exactly one inch above the hem of her skirt, which is itself several inches above her knees. He always avoided entertaining such thoughts back when he and his rival were involved--it felt unfair, somehow--but now he was single and newly seventeen and could entertain whatever thoughts he liked about women.
The woman in front of him is definitely attractive, at least from behind. She is of average height and her hair is short and a natural-looking color that Akira decides he definitely likes. She has a good figure, as well, and very nice legs, and Akira is only a little surprised when his mind begins to wander towards whether there's someone she wraps those legs around and how it might feel for him to be that someone.
Well, only a little surprised on the outside. On the inside the parts of him that still haven't reached the really interesting part of puberty are gaping in shock at the parts of him that have.
The woman begins to dig through her purse and, after a moment, lets out a mild curse. "Damn, that was my favorite pen. I thought he'd stopped doing that." Several parts of Akira team up then, and he finds himself searching his schoolbag for the pen he'd been using to do homework in the go club earlier.
"Forgive me for intruding, but I couldn't help but overhear and was wondering if you might like to use my pen?"
The woman turns around, then smiles brilliantly when she recognizes him. "You mean my pen, Akira-kun? I should've known better than to lend this one to you, but it seems to have returned anyway. Thank you."
"I'm sorry I keep stealing your pens, Ichikawa-san, but I keep forgetting them all over the place," Akira says, trying to fight down his blush as he speaks.
"We'll break you of it eventually, Akira-kun. Would you like a ride home after you're done here?"
"If you don't mind."