Aug 22, 2007 00:34
I had a root canal today. I am in agreement with most Americans in that I hate dentists and usually put off any dental work until it either gets infected or the pain is no longer quelled by 3 or more motrin at a time. For me, it was the latter.
So I go in, early, because they asked me to. I am kept waiting for about 45 minutes, but they have Pearl Harbour on in front, so its not that bad. Plus, I have a book. By the way, Pearl Harbour is an awful, awful movie. I never really disliked Ben Affleck with the intensity that so many other people do, but after this movie, i can see why. The movie was pretty unbearable until Josh Hartnett came on, and then it became vaguely interesting. Enough for me to look up from my book every so often.
I FINALLY get called in and they take x-rays. But ive already had like 6 xrays taken in the past month, so i asked if this was putting me in the way for cancer. She laughed and said i was cute. Hmmm...this did not answer my question. After the xrays, i get put in a dental chair with a bib, and a tv in front of me playing more pearl harbour. RIGHT at the part when I would like to know what is going to happen, the dentist comes in and turns off the tv. By the way, this is about an hour and a half later. Pearl Harbour is about three hours long.
The dentist swaggers in and says, So, Ms...(looks down at file, shuffles papers, Ahh yes, Ms. Raymin. I sigh. Him: What do you need done today. Me: Freaking out because what do you MEAN what do i need done. WHY dont you KNOW what the fuck I need done. You have my FILE in front of you. The appointment was MADE for a ROOT CANAL. And if you are NOT prepared to do one, I dont want to be here.
Me: (out loud, as calm as possible): you dont know why i'm here? I'm here for a root canal. Isnt it in my file? Him: ohhh yes. i see. well, lets get started. Me: freaking out even more, shrinking back against the chair and clearly panicking because the dental hygenist starts making soothing noises and humming at me. (out loud) : Ummm...if youre not ready thats okay, i can come back. I start gathering my stuff. Him: No, no. Its going to get infected if we wait. Lets do it now.
But first..he proceeds to tell me ALL the risks associated with this procedure, and all the different things that can go wrong....INCLUDING files BREAKING off in my roots and having to be SURGICALLY EXTRACTED.
Me: Eyeing the door, ready to make a break for it. So, like, is that a real possibility...for other dentists, or just you? Now i fully realize you shouldnt antagonize the person performing oral surgery on you. But I HAD to know! Him: clearly afronted. It is a standard risk that any ORAL SURGEON (his emphasis, not mine) faces in this process.
Me: SIGH. i sit back in the chair and let him go at me.
First three shot to numb...not that bad. But wait...why is the drill not numb yet!! I raise my hand and say this. HIM: nonsense. you're completely numb. you just dont realize it yet. Me: gripping pant leg and screaming as he hits a nerve with his drill. Him: Whoops. sorry about that. let me get you another shot.
The rest of it wasnt exactly pleasant. I only became fully numb during the last 10 minutes. But it wasnt terrible. And my pain now sucks, but i have motrin. and my dad is making me tons of mashed potatoes and my brother brought me Blue Bunny vanilla ice cream. and my mom is making me flan.
And except for having a crown put in, i am officially dental care free for the next year or so.
If anyone has seen Pearl Harbour, how does it end? who does she end up with?