;emaPeICH First I want to post something I posted on KI. It has to deal with how i went though FFXI and my trobbles with GMs. if someone would like to make it clearer for others I would aperate it because someone noted I was giving them a headake even though it is clear to me. I would like to clearfy right now I did not RMT. Anything that is said that may sound like I bought an account or something ( a poster on KI accused me of this from this copy and paste I am putting here) is not true. I play by the rules and never volated anything to give my self an unfair advange over others. weather it be buying gil/ accounts / or windower I did not do this dispite people liking to spread rumors about me. Illacs in the copy and pase are changes from the orginal.
I also want to restate and I can not stress this point enough that if the line of " you do not own your account, we can ban you without reason..." of the ToS was put on the box there would of been a good chance of me not buying the game. I read that ToS when I first log in and I had second thoughts at day 1 of me playing back in 2003. This is what went though my head at that time:
The problem was I have the game now, I can not take it back, it is open software might as well give it a chance. I mean it is a game after all, who would rip people off for self gain? I do not think people would wan't to harass people over a game iti s ment to be fun. * I was just starting to get into computers and I liked how the name "rambus" sound and the company's mission statment* I want to be on the cutting edge of stragies and be innoavie in the game, so I will reflect that with the name I pick for this game. This is how my online name "Rambus" was born.
I have had good experiences with GMs as well. When it came to getting my chr unstuck or getting my chr on the right server I was greeted with wonderful service.
however I had much more negative experiences.
When someone is harassing you, GMs never take the time what is going on ( even though it can be still in progress when the call is placed) if someone is stacking your party out of grief and trying to annoy you, most of the time GMs will tell you to move zone. Telling you to move zone usually involves you wasting adornment amount of time walking and such. The fact they tell you to move lets the people harassing you to win as well, most of the time they do it to take your camp or w/e. the tell you to blacklist, but blacklist does not stop grief actions. I have other experences of harrsment of being told by a GM I have to move across zones but this one is my faverate to tell.
Here is a bit more extreme exmaple I have experenced:
I had a party where a BLU would follow my east ron [s] ( i set up a roaming pt after this) where I would littlery move across the whole zone to get away form this guy, he kept following us and finding us and after over 1 hr of this of me making 3 or so GM calls on this guy ( made a new call when he re finds us) and other people in my party the GM finally jails him or w/e. now I ask you why did me and my party had to put up with so much before getting rid of this guy?
Account recovery:
I do not find this on FFXI website but I am told by GM that they do not always help you recover the account. and SE give this response to me when I tried to submit my hack claim. Though I seen and hear meny stories ( some even on KI) about people selling / giving the accounts away (SE said at one point that you have to have evidence of being hacked to get recovery) that getsgot the account back. What I am saying is there are people that sold or gave away thier accounts and was able to get it recovered dispite what is is said about needing edvnace of being hacked while others that are hacked gets no help.They got the account back even afer selling it/ giving it away and i sit here with not gettign any help. the I can not help you gets old.
GM and the movement server help:
Yes I said I had a good experience with this, but here is what the first GM told me. He told me he could not help me and that I had to wait 90 days and pay the 25 dollar fee again to move my mule. I said that is unfair he said he can not help me and moved on. I disided to make a call again. the next GM was very helpful led to him telling to log out nad he indeed moved my mule. the next day I had a follow up on the situation making sure everything was ok. if you would exlude the first GM replay and the double stance BS ( same with in account recovery) this would of been outstanding service in this situation.
Getting stuck:
I had a situation where a GM was very unhelpful of unsticking me do to some bug that happened with a FFXI event.
In-game scams:
There was a point where PoL ToS did not help with this. and I got pushed aside like always. After it was in the ToS to help people with in game scams, I gave a GM the Date, place, the deal and so forth and the GM still said he could not help me.
The CC bannings:
All 3 of my accounts where banned due to a supposed charge back. what I am unhappy with this situation was SEI saying I would get a replay about this Error I was getting when trying to update my CC info after they all been reversed. They never did that, if you are not going to do something you do not say, do not bother in saying it.
The "random bannings"
I did not have gardening on my mule account, but about 10 days later after being recovered my mule account got banned. I called SEI again and they told me it was RMT activiy. All i did was revive the account to get items off it like synth matts was most of it on that account. It did not even have valuable stuff on it, just a lot of stuff. I think this program got me just I made many trades with my self. Again SE stats " we can not help you"
The new CC policy:
This does not help people with US PoL in other countries ( or debt cards or whoever can not use that crap, and lol@ doing it like 1 day before the server maint) . I do not see the point and I do not see how this helps detour RMT at all. it is just an annoyance for the consumers because SEI does not know what to do for the charge back problems. It is not hard to solve this issue. Take out the "we do not give refunds" BS out of the ToS and learn to deal with them. learn to deal with double charging people for 1 month. Try to solve the issue , not beat around it.
now for my case why did i ordered the chage back? because some smuck had my CC info and at one point i was paying for 4 accounts. IF SEI wanted thier money all they had to do was refund me, ban that account right then and there till the guy paid for the charges I had to pay for on his own CC. It should not be this hard to conduit a business.
the way SE does "job ballacing" I have no idea why that is said here already or what it has to do with the OP letter. I will say this though meny FFXIV threads showen that SE needs to be better at this and stated WoW is better at it. The reasions for this was that in WoW no job is useless in endgame, in FFXI there are outsider jobs. How many times you hear of "level a different job at 75 if you wanna be useful in endgame"?
In WoW I can alt tab the game , start fraps up and alt tab again to play it, in ffxi I can not, i have to log out and go back in PoL to do that. there is some errors that happened in the past where you needed to shut down PoL completely to log back in. menu lag, list can go on.
Adding WoW vs FFXI in basic programing concepts:
In WoW i can alt-tab out if i forget to start fraps up. In FFXI I have to log out to PoL to start it. In FFXI it has so much menu lag it gets unbarable. I set HP by mistake because of this, I have trobble getting tag for campain because of this are just a few exmaples. This is what i mean by menu lag, I try to make a seclection and it takes 5 minutes to go though, so as it is processing I hit a buttion again because i think it did not go though. When this happends I end up hitting a choise I do not want. Is there really a need to make BST pets use a tp move every 2 mins? Why not be like WoW where I can keep a pet I like and later on up to 4 extra pets. this allows me to give my pets a more personal tuch ( esp with the naming) without the inv clutter of needing jugs or being a mob whore near normal EXP parties. I never run into lack of mobs but in FFXI even though it has smaller plopulations that wow have issues with having enough mobs around. FFXI / SE can learn a lot from WoW but I also agree some FF things need to stay in FF. the socal network and how serch fuctions work do well. they can be improved but in WoW I have problems serching for people like I can in FFXI. In WoW I do feel more loney past when i hear people talking in the cities. Even in the cities though all i can do is read, I feel such an outsider for lack of knowalge in the game. In the start from my experence a lot of people used to talk about how to SC how to mb and what to do to make these things come about. in WoW I get none of that and the sad thing is nether does FFXI anymore. IN FFXI now it is more of I do whatever I want, i do not care about SCs and mbs. with the changes made with AHU and past can strongly inforce an excuse to have this attude. working togher became less and less, buffing jobs that do not need to be buffed and so on. what SE did at ATU and after made it feel like FFXI is going down hill. I talked to some friends and they feel the same way. The only thing that SE should keep in thier next MNOs is incuraging team work assming the company can stay upfloat internatally. What is worse? having RMT tells or in shouts? there is no replay in shout chat like there is in tells. I have a friend that says it is more annoying to have it in tells then in shouts because of the MTs.
What SE needs to do?
not make money hard to come by (like FFXI but does not need to be easy like wow), there is no reason that some level 7 gear from a level 10 nm get camped by level 75s because of the OMG WTF drop rate. I do not think having mobs that span every 24 hours or more quilifies as a game. There is a lot of changes that could be made, most should work around of not having a game trying to encurage of not having a life.
5) refuse service to customers who lose the ability to pay BECAUSE of a change that you (SE) made. (Because of the $1.00 charge, my SE monthly bill was not paid by the bank because the bank thought SE was fraudulently billing me.) Irony.
I found this quote in the "Is SE baning logic" as a replay and it stuck out since it was an issue with me as well. Because I have 3 accounts on different CCs i was getting phone calls form all 3 ( i think) I was trying to sleep and I kept getting woke up by these calls. I answered one to talk about it and the rep talked about a 1 dollar extra charge and I said no that is not right but the other charge is. ( and you wonder why i broke up the different accounts pulling them on a different card)
If you had a system that worked and did not double bill people and allowed refunds bayve people would not be ordering chargebacks though the CC.
how meny times do we need to hear "we can not help you" from SEI before we go nuts?
you can put the blame on PoL but FFXI/SE still in change of it. not seeing double think GMs is rather blind.
my last thought and a quote from the link i posted here:
"Has Square Enix Banned Logic?"
Probably. I mean, they've banned everything else.
No, but fantastic article. I just think it's absolutely pathetic it will take this, and maybe a news report to get SE to have a response to it's actual fanbase.