I do not like New Year's resolutions.

Jan 03, 2009 16:45

I do not like New Year’s resolutions. The majority of people who I have heard make resolutions have completely forgotten about them come July. I know that unless I have some constant reminder I would forget as well. More power to those who do make and keep their resolutions, but I know it is not something for me.

What I do like to do this time of year is to take a deep look at where I am in this moment and where I would like to go. In the process I usually develop goals, or things I would like to achieve this coming year, but they are flexible and allow for change. I do this sort of thinking about my life often when I am writing, but for me the New Year represents a time to look again with fresh eyes.

This past year I have made great progress in certain areas of my life. The work I have done in Alanon has enormously helped me in my familial relationships. It is a place where I still have much work to do, but is no longer a primary focus for me as it has been in the past. Alanon has also helped me to spend some of my energy on myself, to take care of myself like I would other people. It has been easier said than done, and is something I will continue to work with, but I have made great improvements.

The thing I am most proud of from this past year is making the decision to study music again. It is really what I wanted to do all along, and didn’t have the guts to do it. I am so glad to be playing music again. There is nothing like being a part of an ensemble and I feel so joyful and grateful that I get to pursue this career.

This year I would really like to focus on my own health and well being. I am primarily thinking about physical and mental health. I don’t feel quite ready to make goals about my spiritual health, but perhaps that will develop later. Indeed, my spiritual health is improving with Alanon, so perhaps that is why I do not feel the need to concentrate there.

My sponsor once shared with me a story that relates our lives to the weather. Sometimes we are a sunny day and sometimes the wind rattles our leaves. And this weather is ok, and indeed it is what makes our lives interesting and valuable. This imagery has helped me to not look at my shortcomings in such a harsh light as I once used to. I am very good at beating myself up, but this does no good, and only hurts my self-esteem. Thinking of myself as moveable and changeable like the weather is somehow very comforting to me.

So my physical health has been through a bit of a weathering. I don’t really know why, and perhaps it doesn’t matter why exactly, but I do know that I do not eat as healthily as I once did and I do not exercise as I once did. I would like to improve my eat habits and get more exercise this year. I do eat healthy foods, but I do not eat enough. I do exercise, but not enough. I am going to build upon what I already know to improve these habits.

Another aspect of physical health is the various things that I need to see doctors for. This is a concrete goal and it is to see each of the following within the next two months: Gynecologist, Ear Nose & Throat, Podiatrist, Optometrist, and Dentist. Woo!

My health insurance changed from being provided under my dad’s coverage to my mom’s coverage because I am too old to be covered under my dad’s but I still qualify under my mom’s. I am so incredibly grateful that I still have insurance.

My mental health is an aspect that I am the least concerned about, but I would still like to take a closer look at it. Alanon has helped immensely, but I would also like to start seeing a therapist. I haven’t seen one since I was in high school and I think it is time. I feel like a bit of a hypocrite when I tell people that therapy can be great, but I’m not in it myself. I also think that it would be really good for me. And my mom would probably pay for it, lol.

So hopefully this coming year will bring about a journey towards a healthier relationship with my self.

A non-health related goal and ongoing one at that is improved finances. This is something I try to improve on every year. Last year was really focused on paying off some of my credit card debit, which I did do. At the minimum I want to open a second credit line this year so I can build my credit score. There are a few other things on my mind that might help, but nothing too concrete.

I am continuing my journey with LGBT literature. I have gotten a lot out of reading lesbian novels as well as poetry and I look forward to reading more this year.

Here’s to a great 2009! Happy New Year!

goals, new years, 2009

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