Nov 07, 2007 03:26
As I've been packing and such I found two books I read for Political Anthropology that I realized should go on my list of books I read in 2007.
Karaoke Fascism: Burma and the Politics of Fear by Monique Skidmore
Wonderful account of what it's actually like to live in Burma. I learned so much about the situation there from this book. I actually feel informed and shit. :) It makes me soooo incredibly happy that the monks are standing up the governement. It's a major major step in the right direction.
Fighting For Faith and Nation: Dialogues with Sikh Militants by Cynthia Kepply Mahmood
Equally fascinating. Amazing how dialogue can shed so much light on where people come from and why they believe what they do. Amazing glimpse of what it would be like to "be in another person's shoes" for a moment.
One of these days I'll get around to really updating ;). For now know that I'm done with my degree (hallelujah!) and I start traveling in two days. I will be volunteering on some organic farms. Expect pictures of llamas. :)