Lemon Law

Nov 14, 2005 21:06

Tonight is Monday and that means it is Kourt's favorite TV show night! Tonight, as always, it was particularly funny! The spinster of the show (is that word only applicible to a female b/c this character is a male) was inventing a new law that would change the dating world forever. It was called the Lemon Law. This stated that with in five minutes of the first date you could decide if it was going to go any where. If it wasn't leading any where you would say "Lemon Law" and could get up and leave. This also meant no hard feelings to getting up and leaving you both go your seperate ways with no difficulties. Once the five minutes are up, hawever, and you did not cleam the lemon law then you are there for the rest of the date. You are unable to have a friend call and claim an emergancy. There is no "out" that can save you if you miss the five minute deadline! A friend of his claimed that you could not tell with in five minutes if it would work out or not, but maybe you can. Clearly if you stay longer than five minutes it doesn't mean that it would develop into anything significant but it would be worth further discussion, but aren't there clear warning signs that might come out with in that time frame that would indicate it wasn't going to work out? Doesn't every one have idiosyncracies that would annoy some one enough to claim lemon law? There are things that if a person did them I would want to run and not be around longer than five minutes. For example, I think you can tell with in that time if a person is at least some what intelligant and can carry a conversation of worth. If not then I would claim lemon law (ll) or I would be able to tell if they were a sexist pig and then I would say, "LL"! What about you? Would you be able to tell or would you stick it out the whole night no matter what? What would make you want to cry out LL or not cry out LL? It just makes me wonder if this spinster was correct in his thinking of needing such law or at least dating rule. I mean shouldn't there be a time frame where you can walk away and there be no hard feelings or no ramification for your walking?
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