Since I have read
this, I have wondered what our country stations say about the Dixie Chicks. I don't often hear them being played, but I also listen to my Ipod most of the time when I am in my car. We listen to country at work, although, the majority of my shift is a request line. This could mean that, me not hearing DC play, doesn't mean the station has banned them. It could simply mean that people aren't requesting their songs. My boss and I often discuss relevant issues while we are making the food, and most of these "discussions" are interesting because we have very different view points. Today I asked him if he ever noticed if DC were ever played. This lead to a discussion of why stations would ban them to begin with and if we felt it was justified or not. As usual, the
Word Snob did not really agree with every one that she worked with. We were slow today, so this conversation was able to last a while and get some what intense. It ended with a challenge to me to just call in to request the new DC song. This was to prove me wrong, show me that our stations did not ban them. However, even if they did, it would be "justified" (said one co-worker) This is the conversation that followed.
Me: Hi, I was wondering if I could request DC's new song "Not Ready to Make Nice"
DJ: I am sorry, we do not have that song
Me: Oh, I thought that single had been released already
DJ: It might have been, we do not have it
Me: Can you tell me when and if you will get it ? I know that it doesn't come to the store until May but I thought you would get it before then.
DJ: We will not get it here. Can I play something else for you?
Me: Why would a radio station not get a new up and coming single?
DJ: We no longer play them at this Station Miss. Can I play something else for you?
Me: No I want to hear the DC. I do not understand why you would not play them (who am I kidding...I know why just say it already)
DJ: We have not played them since the controversy over the War awhile back
Me: Wasn't that with Toby Keith as well? I hear him played all the time!
DJ: Many of our viewers were upset that they were acting "anti-American" and we got so many calls about playing them we were forced to stop.
Me: Oh I was unaware that freedom of speech was anti-American. If I get people to call in about the ignorance of Toby Keith will you stop playing him?
DJ: (getting annoyed with me...finally!) You can not agree with TK, but that does not mean that it warrants us not playing him. Please do you have another request?
Me: Not agreeing with DC is what got them to no longer be played. I am disappointed that a station would consider freedom of speech to warrant some one/or group "unplayable" especially since radio stations LIVE and function on that right! I thought the war was supposed to bring more of those exact freedoms to the Iraqi citizense. I am glad that this station helped prove DC correct in the hypocrasy of the USA attempting to bring those rights there. When we silence anything that we don't agree with here it makes me want to be anti-American. You have just lost this listener for good!
DJ: Have a good day.
Clearly I can not NOT listen to them, since we listen to them at work. I will, however, never play them in my car. Do not go along with a decision if you can not back it up and support it! I love the DIXIE CHICKS :)