Mar 06, 2006 20:58
It never stops amazing me the signs people make and put on the road or even things that people seem to ask. Here are just a few examples:
1)Please Check Brakes~ This sign is before every toll road…do people not need to brake before they get to a toll? What do I do if my brakes suddenly do not work?
2)Watch for slower traffic~ Okay I am watching now kindly get the hell out of my way. If I am in the fast lane and you are “the slower traffic” you should not be in my lane….if you are, there is a problem.
3)Be prepared to stop~ Is this ironic since I had now been sitting in standstill traffic for about 30 min?
4)Do not pass when oncoming traffic~ DAMN IT! I really wanted to play chicken today….after all, it is my reckless day!
5)This is a speed enforced zone~ What zone doesn’t enforce speed? I want to drive there!