*shakes can* Letters, any spare letters?

Jun 09, 2012 14:22

Greetings, yall!

As the summer season is upon us (well, shortly will be), it is time for me to go around collecting for prompts. After all, summer is a time for writing projects of a highly structured and sort of silly nature, isn't it? ...well, it kind of is around this household. SO. I am collecting prompts by Letter. I mentioned this over on the other LJ, but I thought I'd post it here, too, just in case any of yall are inspired.

What do I need? Two sets of the alphabet, basically: 2 prompts for A, 2 prompts for B, and so on.

What have I got so far? I am glad you asked!

A - aerial, apatetic, abderian (if I can find something for it)
B - bees (possibly covered in them)
C - crepuscular
D - defenestration (the Internet hates windows)
E - echo
F - florescence (this word is spelled properly AND awesome)
G - gradation
H - haversack
I - indescribeable, ingenue
K - kitsune
L - lacksadasical
M - meretricious (now looking for an excuse to use this in a sentence)
N - nonchalance
O - origami
P - petrichor
Q - quidnunc (such a great word)
R - reverie
S - strikhedonia (seriously, look this one up)
T - tortoiseshell, tabefaction
U - Uranis, utility
V - vivid, veteran
W - wanderlust, weightlessnes
X - xylograph, xenophobia
Y - yearn, youth
Z - zephyr, Zion

So if yall can spare a word for me, that'd be great! And very much appreciated :D

meme: abc prompts

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