Jan 15, 2011 20:02
I was roving around LJ last night and found this meme, and thought it'd be fun to take a stab at it again.
Give me a title for a story, and I'll give you a general overview of it: summary, characters, approx word count, etc
Bring it on! I have a lot of math and backstory to do this evening, and I could use the crack. :)
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Torchverse, short and gen - possibly told through each guy talking to a specific lady, as if the story is being handed around the group.
By the time of “Lamplight,” everyone knows that Zoisite gets bitterly seasick, and it becomes apparent again when the groups blend together. Mako or Svetka, ever the curious, ask the guys why they tease him so much. So begins the often told, wildly exaggerated tale of the first time they were all onna boat together.
"The Amphibious Nature of All Things"
Torchverse - throughout the timeline, I think - and I'd go more into that but it's spoilerific as hell - like a five things, with each section headed by a person's name
Amy has several discussions about the nature of water.
"The Bleakness of Heart"
...a title that screams VIGNETTE! to me, so here are a couple of options.
JBS - short, meditative piece set just after "The Necklace" - Emi and Mai discuss the changes in their lives.
Torchverse - short, conversational, and intended to be wrenching (may also be a piece out of that narrative) - Svetka and Zoisite attempt to come to terms with certain shifts in their relationships. "The blind leading the blind" would be a great alt-title for this bit, too.
Torchverse - short, dialogue heavy dream sequence w/some ridiculous symbolism - Svetka talks to Venus and the mysterious Princess
Torchverse - another short (and we're talking like, 2k here, if I could manage it) - Endymion reflects on the situation he's found himself in, and what he intends to do to free himself of it. NOT UPLIFTING in the slightest.
Elysium Station verse - short-ish, I think, and more of a character study and exploration - Easter and Des (venus and mars) have been debating the subject for two cycles, three turns and nine standards now. They're still no closer to finding agreemet--or an answer--about the role of the Heart in the lives of those who serve an Order.
Elysium Station verse - vignettey character study - It is harder to walk through the station as Easter than most would realize.
...and I suspect I could come up with twenty more of those, looking at a bunch of other characters, but I'll just stop there before it gets even more out of hand.
Thanks for the prompts! <3
("The Amphibious Nature of Things" does call to me, I must admit. 'Cause I'm kinda a waterbaby, and Torch!Amy is just fascinating enough to make it work.)
Also, your icon is AWESOME. <3
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