ART Challenge Report: Final Week

Sep 18, 2010 19:45

And fi-nal-ly.

I'll spare you the silly way of putting together a report, though I have had many, many ideas, especially after sugarcross's Company Report. But I'll just stick with the old style format for now.

Word Count: This is--variable. See, I wrote about 6k of smut this week that I, uh, lost. I don't know how I lost it--the writing program I use saves CONSTANTLY, so I had to have deleted it, but I don't know how I did it, in my sleep or some shit--and while it's words produced, I'm not sure it counts towards the actual word count. By some arcane formula, the word count I came up with ranged from 25,428 words to 30,206 words.

Hey Ten, What Did You Spend Most of that Week Writing?: Lots of smut! and an octopus god. And before you say anything, I can totally see a terrible resemblance between those two, too! *face, meet palm* All of it involved the same lady, too, so...apparently phallic symbols + her = powerful writing impetus.

*oh palm, how well you hide my stupid, stupid face*

Stories Worked On: Tricky 1.5, the remnants of Fine Out (which is where I lost my big smut scene), Cracky and Slinky. Of those four, only Cracky and Slinky were smutless. I had a plan, yall! And that plan was, uh, smut. Heh heh. Heh heh. Heh.

Medium used: Me and the lappie were buds as usual. As was sort of my MO for the last couple of weeks, I would pick up a scene in 750, then carry it into a doc to pick at while I talked to raynos. After she left, I'd hammer at it some more until I finally crawled into bed. And sometimes...even that didn't stop me. THE BUG, IT GOT ME.

Music of the Week: I can't actually go back and look at and see exactly what I was writing to, but I believe this was the week I created the "Emo Yet Awesome" list, which consists of Jen Titus's "O Death," Lupe Fiasco's "Solar Midnite," Evanescence's "Eternal," and Snow Patrol's "What If This Storm Ends?" And then I would loop it, over and over. It's a list that's a little over fifteen minutes long, so it also gave me a good gauge as to how long I'd been writing. I'm pretty sure Cryoshell's "Creeping in My Soul" was popular that week, too, not to mention the string "Mr. Brightside," which, oddly enough, is great for writing smut to. Who knew?

Writing Thoughts: Omg if you're used to using your writing journal as a back-up, and you're actually fairly happy with a smut scene for once, then YOU SHOULD BACK IT UP ON YOUR WRITING JOURNAL. *ahem* Just. Just a thought. To keep in mind for next time and all. *cough*

And thus the ART Challenge came to an end. Though I still need to do that final report. Think it'll take another month? ;)

challenge: art, writing report, word count

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