beyondtherift ][ locked from the people and things he should be locking from

Aug 08, 2011 18:09

So this creepy stuff is interesting. I take it this isn't usual around here? Hearts beating. Things like that? Because I gotta say someone told me the Kashtta was a good place for me to stay and I'm not sure I'm convinced yet.

Oh. By the way I'm Randall. I haven't actually written in here yet, but there's a first time for everything right?

Is anyone looking to hire a DJ?

I'm also working on controlling my nifty little change the Rift handed me. I think I need to get out more to help me with that though. Over all I'm really not too amused by it. And no I'm not going to record it so don't ask.

locked further to Veronica.

I guess I should consider you my "Landed in Chicago on the same day" twin or something huh? How are you holding up with everything?

[what] rift craziness, [verse] beyond the rift, [rp] moveuranus, [rp] entry, [what] rift-boy needs a job

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